Auszeichnungen & Ehrungen

Genelec's Board of Directors at our factory in Iisalmi, Finland.
1981 - Productive Idea Award (The Junior Chamber of Commerce and Kauppalehti Magazine)
1988 - Company of the Year (Iisalmi city, Entrepreneurs of Iisalmi and Cooperative Bank of Iisalmi)
1989 - Company of the Year (The Northern Savo area company prize, The Savo Entrepreneurs)
1990 - The National Business Award
1993 - The National Award for Export (Finnish Foreign Trade Association)
1995 - The President of Finland Award for Export
1999 - The Golden Key Award (The Union of Finnish Labour and MTV-3)
2005 - The Executive of the Year Award for CEO, Dr Ilpo Martikainen (Okobank & Kauppalehti)
2008 - Doctor of Science in Technology H.C. for Dr Ilpo Martikainen (Helsinki University of Technology)
2018 - Company Of The Year award, 2018 Pro Sound Awards
2018 - Siamäk Naghian - Enterprise Executive of the Year 2018
2020 - Aki Mäkivirta – Chief technology Officer of the Year 2020
2021 - Manufacturer of the Year, AV Awards